Welcome to AiR NL

Welcome to AiR NL

A platform to connect, exchange information and experiences for and about artist-in-residences in the Netherlands and beyond

We organize meetings, offer practical advice to Air organizers, funds and policymakers, connect AiR initiatives with (international) partners and networks, and establish projects for the mutual exchange of information and expertise. Read more here.


Mutual AiR Impulse
Artist-in-residence programmes are in continuous modes of transition: either just starting, or developing, or finding new ways of operating. Our Mutual Impulse projects focus on exchanging knowledge and experiences with colleagues abroad.

Checklist for hosts
Imagine you start your own AiR program. To help your plans take form we composed a checklist that will send you on your way. In ideas and practical matters, what does it take?

AiR organizations
A list of Air organizations in the Netherlands


Contact Heidi Vogels coordinator AiR NL, and sign up for our newsletter here.


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