The ADP offers emerging European visual artists a three-month residency in Paris and Luxembourg
Call for artists from EU countries to develop artistic perspectives on bicycle cultures and communities
Residency program for artists, writers and creative professionals at Arteles Creative Center, Hämeenkyrö, Finland
An opportunity to develop a project in conversation with the Caltech and Huntington research communities and students.
Each year, NXTHVN welcomes up to seven artists and two curators to participate in its paid ten-month program in Connecticut, USA.
The overall aim of the international residency programme is to support the exploration and reflection on contemporary visual art and exhibition histories
A new international residency with the Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts, the Nantes Institute of Advanced Studies and the Lieu Unique
Since June 3, 2022, Urbane Künste Ruhr has been running the project Healing Complex (2018–ongoing) in Gelsenkirchen
2-12 is an annual AiR organised by the Cité internationale des arts that is open to a wide range of disciplines
At the initiative of its organizer, the Equestrian Committee of Saumur, ARTCHEVAL took on a new form in 2020 by offering an artistic residency
Art Circle has hosted hundreds of artists from around the world at up to seven events a year in Slovenia and abroad
Eindhoven based art organizations start a multidisciplinary residency program to draw attention to the need for temporary housing of international artists.
This residency will provide a curator from any country of origin with a workspace, funding, institutional support
The programme will focus on interdisciplinary practice-based researchers from the visual arts, sound arts, media arts,
At the beginning of 2024, the 24 selected artists will be trained in ocean conservation, sustainable practices in art and digital technologies
Artists are invited to investigate a range of topics, from the notion of truth in the information age shaped by algorithms, biases in AI, techno-anxiety, etc.
The final selection will be two project-based, two or three months artist residencies for research and artistic production
For the 2025 residencies, Tusen Takk Foundation is only accepting applications from visual artists.
This Residence Programme is intended for foreign writers, offering them the opportunity  to stay 5 weeks in Buenos Aires
Jardin Rouge is a residency program for visual artists. Deadline December 15, 2023