Antenna #1 - In Translation
This first edition of Antenna is dedicated to translation and translators-in-residence.
Antenna dives for you into the international world of translators-in-residence. We give you a picture of translators on-the-move and of the hosts that give them the opportunity to stay, not only to produce but also to explore, learn and wonder.
The Location
A most intriguing performance event celebrated its tenth anniversary last June: AquaPhone. On a Saturday evening a dialogue took place between performers on both banks of the river Danube between Štúrovo (Slovakia) and Esztergom (Hungary). Words on music were sent back and forth over the 500 meter wide river surface. Vowels, consonants, and syllables travelled over the water. They were entrusted to communicate a text by AquaPhone initiators Hanneke and Karol Frühauf in German, and in Slovak and Hungarian translation. Read more
The Stay
Hungarian translator Tibor Bérczes has his own reasons to stay at the Translators' House in Amsterdam, February-March 2015. Erik Hagoort talks with him about translating, residences, Hungary, euthanasia, and... Dutch soccer. Bérczes: "Wow, soccer in the Netherlands! I started to visit local soccer clubs. It's amazing how they function as breeding grounds for social cohesion. In Hungary there is no such sensibility for community."
Antenna talks with Tibor Bèrczes (45 minutes)
Unasked Advice
Lately more and more artist-in-residence programmes are hosting literary writers and translators, next to their regular guests working in other art disciplines. Authors and translators themselves also opt for other residency opportunities than the Writers and Translators Houses, for several reasons. In many cases Writer's and Translator's Houses demand a contract with a publisher. This reduces the possible functions of these houses to production. Multidisciplinary artist-in-residence programs offer more possibilities for open research, contemplation, exploration, collaboration. That is what some authors and translators also are looking for. Read more
The Collection
A collection of related data part of Antenna. There is so much going on in the world of artist residencies that is growing and morphing. In order to see what’s there and to understand what’s going on; we dive in the big pool of data on artist residencies and see what we come across related to one specific theme to serve you a collection connecting new and old stories, big and small projects and articles related to this Antenna theme. These kinds of collections include useful deadlines, stories and more. Read more
The Diagram
Word(s) in flux - click on the diagram to follow the Translation Algorithm.
The Players, the issue and the vision are a work-in-progress. Stay tuned to discover them later!