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Villa Nappi

Villa Nappi


Today Villa Nappi is equipped with eleven rooms, the Association's offices, rehearsal rooms, common areas, bar, restaurant, and conference rooms, an ideal place to host artists, international meetings, scholars, researchers and tourists.

From its restoration to today, over the course of almost 30 years, Villa Nappi boasts an intense activity of residencies and artistic research projects within its walls, in order to maintain and relaunch its historic role as a cultural hub within the small town. Every year around 300 days are dedicated to hosting artists within the creative residencies programme, which in some cases take the form of true co-productions. The artists are hosted in the guesthouse (equipped with eleven rooms and two apartments a few meters from the Villa, for a total of 35 beds) and have workspaces available in Villa Nappi (Sommier Room, TV Room, Piano Room), on the Teatro della Luna and Cinema Italia.

Studio Information

Workspaces are available in Villa Nappi (Sommier Room, TV Room, Piano Room), on the Teatro della Luna and Cinema Italia.

Accommodation Information

The artists are hosted in the guesthouse (equipped with eleven rooms and two apartments a few meters from the Villa, for a total of 35 beds)


A historic building that stands on the remains of an ancient monastery founded by the Hermits in the 12th century, Villa Nappi was one of the oldest Augustinian settlements in the Marche region that we know of and, for centuries, one of the poles around which city life revolved of Polverigi. Repeatedly transformed, destroyed by fire at the end of the 14th century, and rebuilt in 1398, the convent was closed by the French at the beginning of the 19th century and sold in 1849 to the Nappi family, who transformed it into a villa with a park.

Subsequently, the Villa was purchased by the Municipality in 1972 and, renovated in 1999, was granted for use by the Inteatro Association.

Contact information

Polverigi AN