The impact of Covid-19 on the international AiR field

Res Artis launched a report about the survey they conducted in May 2020, investigating the immediate impact of COVID-19 on the international arts residencies field. Find more information and download the report here.



AiR NL in times of Covid-19

Hyun A Cho: Breaking Breakers In A Limbo Space

AiR NL in times of Covid-19

While some artists can't leave the country and others can't arrive due to travel restrictions, questions rise how to overcome these issues in a mobility based practice. Have a look at the following artists and AiR programs in the Netherlands and their take on the current situation.

Stranded in the Netherlands
While most artists made it home in time, others had to prolong their stay, like Moroccan artist Adam Belarouchia at the Thami Mnyele Foundation in Amsterdam. As Morocco quickly closed its borders for all travellers, his visa and pasport expired. Thankfully the Thami Mnyele organizers are resourceful and Adam can remain in the studio until borders re-open and administrative issues are solved. Artist Hyun a Cho from Seoul on the other hand, arrived early March at Cultureland in Starnmeer. When the lock-down became effective, she decided to stay and invent a different mode of working. Being isolated away from home, and being surrounded by nature gave her the peace of mind to continue her project. The limitations of social distancing eventually lead to a more intimate work-process that would not have happened otherwise. (see image - online presentation May 9)

Taking time to reflect
In line with their program Slow Burn - exploring isues of 'care', Hotel Mariakapel in Hoorn takes time to reflect. Who do we care about and for? How can we build practices and spaces of care within the limits of an exploitative system, with which we are all complicit? Now, these questions seem even more pressing and urgent, in ways never imagined. Hence Hotel Mariakapel aims to bring together a multitude of perspectives and facilitate dialogue via their new online program: On the Line. Furthermore, they created Forum to actively share ideas and insights how to work towards a new 'normal'.

Working remote
Artist Dorien de Wit didn't arrive at her residency at Van Goghhuis early April, she decided to work from her studio in Amsterdam. Closing her eyes she imagines to wander through the streets of the tiny village of Zundert and surrounding countryside with the assistance of google street view. Overcoming distance and time she keeps a travel log to finally create an audio work which will be presented in Zundert later this year.

Exploring online formats
Curious to see how home-experimenting-art looks like, artist initiative Extrapool in Nijmegen decided to invite artists to send in ideas how they would spend an online residency. Extrapool focus is on experiment, sound, art and print. The deadline just passed and we look forward to see what ideas have been selected!

Sharing stories online
Many AiR programs moved presentations online. Exploring the digital realm also has its advantages. Former residents can now tune in, connecting to a community of colleagues who engaged within a particular program and location. Listen here to writer-in-residence Ylona Verhoeven in Berlin at the weekly podcast of AiR Besiendershuis in Nijmegen, a Whatsapp conversation between artist Josje Hattink and artist-in-residence Maarten Bel at Kunsthuis SYB, or tune into a weekly session of AiR conversations hosted by AiR Platform Brabant. The sessions, starting from April 30, include topics like travel, visibility, sustainability and the future in post-corona AiR perspective.

Further reading:


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