TransArtists wants your stories!


TransArtists wants your stories!

In these uncertain times and in almost complete lockdown where we are all facing unprecedented challenges, both on professional and personal level, the need to share our stories is bigger than ever. Now that most of cultural institutions are closed and moving their content online, and our lives are mostly happening in the digital realm, we want to keep the conversation going, share insights, give practical advice and inspiration.
We invite all artists (in-residence), organisers, curators, writers etc. to send us their stories, strategies for survival, tips for being in quarantine and so on. Below you can find few questions that we think could be interesting, so as to form a bigger picture of what is happening in the field.

For artists:

  • Are you currently in residence and experiencing difficulties to get to your home country?
  • How do you deal with this situation of confinement?
  • How are you supported by the AiR staff?
  • How do you think this situation is affecting your work and plans in the near future?
  • Are you still applying for residencies?

For residency organisers:

  • How is your program affected by the current situation?
  • Did your organisation already have an emergency protocol?
  • Are you currently hosting artists who can't leave?
  • How do you take care of the artists?
  • How do you take care of the staff?
  • Did you have to (temporary) layoff part of the staff?
  • Can you ask for support from your (local) government or funding partners?
  • How are you reaching out to future residents?
  • Do you still keep open calls?

The questions above are just an idea and starting point for a conversation - feel free to share with us whatever you think necessary and whatever your personal story is at this point in time. You can email us at [email protected], and we will publish the stories on our website.

Stay safe and inspired, and take care of yourself and the people around you.

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