Residency Fabrique at Fondation Fiminco 2024-25

View of a workspace at Fondation Fiminco
Courtesy of Fondation Fiminco
Fondation Fiminco

Residency Fabrique at Fondation Fiminco 2024-25

A call for applications for visual artists of all disciplines, in view of an eleven-month research, creation and production residency

Fondation Fiminco has invested in a former industrial site in Romainville, on the outskirts of Paris and accessible by the metro, to create a place that supports artists from all over the world and is open to all audiences. Designed for artists, this project aims to provide space, tools, and support to create a working environment for artists, across disciplinary practices. This new cultural district brings all the ingredients necessary for a new ecosystem of contemporary creation intended for artists: an artist residency, exhibition spaces, galleries, and soon live performance structures, craftsmen, associations and a concert hall.

The primary objective of the residency is to provide artists with a privileged environment for research and production. The artists will be accompanied by the Fondation’s team throughout their residency. They will benefit from an environment that facilitates collaboration with other residents and with external organisations.

Artists will have artistic and technical support according to their needs and the requirements of the project that they wish to develop: technical assistance with production, administrative support, and assistance with communication and networking. French as a foreign language courses will be offered to international artists to facilitate their integration and help with daily exchanges required during the residency.

The Fondation Fiminco residency is a place for professional development that helps artists gain visibility on the French art scene and establish a network. The Fondation organises meetings with professionals from the art world, curators, collectors, gallery owners, museum associations, journalists and art critics, notably during open studios. Open doors are also organized, allowing the public to discover the studios of the artists-in-residence. A presentation of the artists’ work is envisioned inside the Fondation’s exhibition spaces.

Fully equipped studios are available to each artist. Residents can benefit from the support of professional workshop managers to learn and develop new artistic and technical practices.

  • Engraving workshop: Large press 150 cm by 300 cm, large format digital printer, small working press
  • Silk-screen printing workshop: 1524 × 1016 mm printing table, insolator, heat-sealing press
  • Ceramics workshop: Three kilns, one with a capacity of 800 L, 3D ceramic printer
  • Construction workshop: CNC, band saw, mitre saw, drill press
  • 3D printing / cutting workshop: Three 3D FDM plastic printers, 2 SLA resin printers, laser cutting
  • Photo and video workshop: Avid post-production room, DaVinci with Adobe suite and Premiere.

Selected artists receive:

  • A production grant of up to 5,000 euros (including tax) for the entire duration of the residency is allocated to the artists upon presentation of supporting documentation and with the supervision of the production team.
  • A round trip to and from the artist’s country of origin (refund). The Fondation Fiminco will not buy the tickets directly. The resident is responsible for this purchase. 300 € round trip for Europe and 800 € round trip for Outside Europe. The Fondation Fiminco also covers the cost of an annual pass for public transport in the Ile-deFrance region.
  • Support in administrative procedures such as visa applications and, if necessary, additional grants.
  • Professional support according to their needs and in line with the project they wish to develop: technical assistance for production, distribution, and communication (individual videos presenting the artists and their work)

The applications can be written either in French or English and submitted via the online form before
midnight, April 24, 2024, CET (extended). For your online application, a google account is required.

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