EXTRARTIS: Artists Residencies for Creative Economy


EXTRARTIS: Artists Residencies for Creative Economy

ExtrArtis launches an invitation to artists to participate in a residency, chosen from a selection of historic houses across Europe.

ExtrArtis is an event organized by Royal Lions s.r.l. in order to respond creatively, on the one hand, to the crisis in the tourism sector caused by the Covid-19 emergency and, on the other, to the need to enhance the cultural and artistic heritage as an objective promoted by the European Union and the Council of Europe during 2018. ExtrArtis is positioned as an opportunity for dialogue on the sense of belonging to a common European space, as envisioned by the Year of Cultural Heritage, promoted and based on experimental processes that support the idea of heritage as a resource (Bucharest Declaration, 16 April 2019 - as emphasized by the European slogan "Our Heritage: where the past meets the future"). This historical framework, associated with the period of global health crisis caused by Covid-19, has led to seize the criticality of the receptive economic infrastructure as an opportunity to renew the tourist offer, aiming at a qualitative, and not quantitative, vision.

ExtrArtis launches an invitation to artists to participate in a residency, chosen from a selection of historic houses across Europe. ExtrArtis aims to fertilize collaborations between artists, architects, heritage professionals, research and development, art world experts, collectors and communities. ExtrArtis exploits the integration of human and cultural capital to generate flows in which art conditions not only the market but also the actors that determine it.

Artists wishing to participate in the Call must send the following documents in a single PDF:

  • copy of a valid identity document;
  • the artist’s detailed CV with contact email and social one, in order to be contacted as Selected Artist (1 A4);
  • the artist’s portfolio with a brief description of his work and the artistic method (a digital portfolio of up to 10 works created in recent years with images in jpg format);
  • a descriptive and / or representative text of the work of art in the project that is intended to be carried out in situ during the practice of Artist’s Residence, required by this Call;
  • the motivational letter from the artist outlining his intentions, objectives and expectations with reference to the residence (maximum one A4 sheet);
  • the receipt of payment of the participation fee on the current account of Royal Lions at IBAN IT69B0306940264100000009929 with reason “Participation fee in the ExtrArtis Event_Name and Surname”

Deadline for application is 2 April 2022. Find the details in the file below or on ExtrArtis' website.


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