Heidi Vogels, TransArtists - AiR Platform NL

Heidi Vogels, TransArtists - AiR Platform NL

By curiosity and necessity, artist-in-residence (AiR) programmes often find themselves in situations of transition: just starting, or developing, or finding new ways of operating. As the coordinator of AiR Platform NL, together with AiR organisers and partners, we organise meetings and programmes to enable the mutual exchange of information and experiences between AiR organisations. By connecting with colleagues through our international networks and platforms we aim to learn from each other while reaching out to explore ideas, strategies and positions in different cultural contexts.

At a more individual level, I advise artists, organisers, policymakers and funders about starting up or engaging with artist-in-residence programmes.

I am furthermore a visual artist and filmmaker, dedicated to research-based projects. I am one of the initiators of Bureau Postjesweg, a new art space in Amsterdam Nieuw West, and I am a member of the board for DeltaWorkers, an artist-in-residency programme in New Orleans, USA.