Open call Innovation Space

TU Eindhoven

Open call Innovation Space

The Mondriaan Fund, together with Eindhoven University of Technology, offers two temporary workplaces at the TU / e innovation Space. The working period offers artists the opportunity to do technological research and to apply this in their work. Artists (who are based and registered in the Netherlands) with a research question and / or a concrete plan for new work related to contemporary technology can submit a proposal.

The Eindhoven University of Technology specializes in areas such as (mechanical) engineering, chemistry, data and computer sciences, innovative materials, human-technology interaction and biomedical sciences. In the TU / e innovation Space, students and teachers, researchers and companies relate to complex social and industrial issues. The focus is on innovation, technical design, prototyping and innovative entrepreneurship. The selected artists will work together within the TU / e innovation Space with interdisciplinary teams of international students, teachers, coaches and professors. There are various workshops to make prototypes under the guidance of the technical staff.

The working period runs from 1 February to 31 October 2020. Request deadline: 14 October 2019, before 5 p.m.

More info here (Dutch)

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