Marrakech 1-54: Enacting Agencies


Marrakech 1-54: Enacting Agencies

The 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair took place in Marrakech in February 2020, hosting a series of artist talks and discussions on issues regarding working across geographies and context driven practices. Issues we consider closely connected to artist-in-residence programs today.

Listen to the recorded session Enacting Agencies here.

Enacting Agencies
Working across geographies, connecting with communities locally, highlighting aspects of craftsmanship or vernacular knowledge. These are some of the defining aspects of projects such as Future Assembly, Caravane Tighmert and QANAT (Kibrit) whose founders Hansi Momodu-Gordon, Carlos Perez Marin and Francesca Masoero, will be in a discussion around models and methodologies for community based and peer-to-peer engagement projects.

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