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The Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

The Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

Bauhaus Lab

In the 1920s, the artists of the international avant-garde lived next door to one another in the complex of Masters’ Houses. In 2016, contemporary artists returned to the scene. The Bauhaus Residency enables artists from all over the world to live and work in the Masters’ Houses.

Bauhaus Residency 2021 – Infrastructure

In modernism, architecture, design and infrastructure cannot be separated: The more comprehensive the network of urban infrastructures became, the more efficiently and economically housing could be designed. The Masters' Houses in Dessau are interesting examples of this immediate connection between modern infrastructure and architecture. Large-scale projects oriented around ideologies of technological progress caused the rapid destruction of landscapes and settlements in the 1960s and 1970s, and they are under massive criticism now. Nature is no longer treated as a infinitely available resource. In the face of impending scarcity of resources and privatization, communal supply networks and infrastructures all over the world are challenged in the 21st century. In their works, exhibitions and events, the artists* of the Bauhaus Residency Programme devote themselves to these and other aspects of infrastructure.

Studio Information

Workspaces will be provided at the former metal workshop at the Bauhaus building – at the historical original site.

Contact information

Gropiusallee 38
06846 Dessau

award [at]